Boštjan KERBLER : The space of development and change
Darko ŠARAC : The influence of wars on settlement formation and development: The case of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Bálint KÁDÁR: Differences in the spatial patterns of urban tourism in Vienna and Prague
Jayne M. ROGERSON: Market segmentation and the changing budget hotel industry in urban South Africa
Nico KOTZE: A community in trouble? : The impact of gentrification on the Bo-Kaap, Cape Town
Christian M. ROGERSON: Improving market access opportunities for urban small, medium and micro enterprises in South Africa
Špela VEROVŠEK, Matevž JUVANČIČ, Tadeja ZUPANČIČ: Using visual language to represent interdisciplinary content in urban development: Selected findings
Franklin OBENG-ODOOM : Governance for pro-poor urban development (reflections on the book <i>Governance for pro-poor urban development: Lessons from Ghana</i>)
Urbanistični inštitut RS Urbani izziv - Editorial Board Trnovski pristan 2, 1000 Ljubljana, SLO + 386 (0)1 420 13 10
Print edition: 0353-6483 Web edition: 1855-8399 Professional edition: 2232-481X
SNIP (2020): 0.79 CiteScoreTracker (2022): 1.8