Urbani izziv Volume 11, No. 2, December 2000
: 91–93
doi: 10.5379/urbani-izziv-en-2000-11-02-014
Manca Plazar Mlakar
University of Primorska, Science and Research Centre of Koper, Koper, Slovenia
Thoughts on regions
The region is a multi-layered concept. It presents a conglomerate of local communities in a nation state, connections between countries or sub-national entities on a supra-national level, connections between geographical homogenous areas, as well as connections between geographically close or distant areas with similar problems into problem or interest regions. Separate concepts are planning regions, devised to perform various development policies, conceptual regions or regional unions. With respect to different forms and typologies, the concept of regions is dealt with as a systematic union of units on the lower level, as an entity with specific characteristics that enable specific modes for their self-organisation and the organisation of their own structures and processes.
Key Words
analytical region, dynamism, networks, region, subsidiarity, target region