Urbani izziv Volume 21, No. 2, December 2010
: 117-126
UDK: 332.6:351.777.6:546.815(73-43)
doi: 10.5379/urbani-izziv-en-2010-21-02-005
Ermanno AFFUSO
Auburn University, College of Agriculture, Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, Auburn, Alabama, USA
Christophe Vincent de PARISOT
Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition, Geneva, Switzerland
Chau-Sa HO
Ohio State University, Center for Human Resource Research, Columbus, Ohio, USA
Diane HITE
Auburn University, College of Agriculture, Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, Auburn, Alabama, USA
The impact of hazardous waste on property values: The effect of lead pollution
This paper examines the impact of lead pollution on property values in Anniston, Alabama, one of the most polluted cities in the US. A hedonic house price analysis enabled us to examine the extent of lead contamination’s effect on property values there, as well as property value losses due to the presence of an army depot. We estimated that lead cleanup would provide an increased property value of $1,140 per household and found that living 1 km closer to the polluting sites reduces property values by approximately 2%, a figure consistent with previous research regarding the connection between environmental disamenities and property values.
Key Words
hedonic analysis, environmental disamenities, externalities, urban economics