Urbani izziv Volume 30, No. 2, December 2019
: 113-123
UDK: 911.52+911.53:347.823.2:349.414
doi: 10.5379/urbani-izziv-en-2019-30-02-005
Barbara Goličnik Marušić
Urbanisticni inštitut Republike Slovenije, Ljubljana, Slovenija
Nevenka Mihevc
Zavod Republike Slovenije za varstvo narave, Ljubljana, Slovenija
Manca Dremel
Univerza v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fakulteta, Oddelek za biologijo, Ljubljana, Slovenija
Patterns of using places for recreation and relaxation in peri-urban areas: The case of Lake Podpec, Slovenia
The paper addresses the issues of place capacity for occupancy
for rest and recreation in the context of peri-urban
landscapes of high natural or cultural values. It sets these
issues in the frame of bottom-up approaches, considering
qualitative-, small- and slow-data-oriented methods and
techniques, using observation & behaviour mapping. It
focuses on designing the concept of a natural site’s carrying
capacity and evaluating an area’s carrying capacity
for specific use. It proceeds from a study conducted by
Golicnik Marušic (2015), which showed the prudence of
addressing the development and planning of green infrastructure from the perspective of user needs and habits.
By including the concept of an area’s carrying capacity, it
also incorporates the conservation aspect. Based on data
obtained through observation and mapping, the article
comments on current use and users in terms of their age,
use of a place, frequency of activities, and type of activities
in the case of Lake Podpec, a popular recreational site at
the fringe of Ljubljana marsh, Slovenia.
Key Words
carrying capacity, green infrastructure, behaviour mapping, peri-urban landscape, spatial planning