Boštjan KERBLER : Real estate, sustainable spatial development and the compact city
Srna MANDIČ, Maša FILIPOVIČ HRAST : Alternatives to social housing: Applicants’ views of various policy options
Bojan GRUM, Darja KOBAL GRUM: A model of real estate and psychological factors in decision-making to buy real estate
Yung YAU: The value of building safety: A hedonic price approach
Maja TERLEVIĆ, Andreja ISTENIČ STARČIČ, Maruška ŠUBIC KOVAČ: Sustainable spatial development in higher education
Krzysztof ROGATKA, Rodrigo RUDGE RAMOS RIBEIRO: A compact city and its social perception: A case study
Matej NIKŠIČ, Lucile FAUVIAUX : HUMAN CITIES: Challenging the city scale
Urbanistični inštitut RS Urbani izziv - Editorial Board Trnovski pristan 2, 1000 Ljubljana, SLO + 386 (0)1 420 13 10
Print edition: 0353-6483 Web edition: 1855-8399 Professional edition: 2232-481X
SNIP (2020): 0.79 CiteScoreTracker (2022): 1.8