Urbani izziv Leto 25, št. supplement, julij 2014
: S108–S121
doi: 10.5379/urbani-izziv-en-2014-25-supplement-008
Paul Tsietsi Monare
University of Johannesburg, Department of Geography, Environmental Management and Energy Studies, South Africa
Nico Kotzé
University of Johannesburg, Department of Geography, Environmental Management and Energy Studies, South Africa
Tracey Morton McKay
University of South Africa, Department of Environmental Sciences, South Africa
Naslov članka
A second wave of gentrification: The case of Parkhurst, Johannesburg, South Africa
As in many other countries, gentrification and urban regeneration occurs across South Africa. Despite this, geographical research on gentrification in South Africa is limited. This study adds to the literature by presenting the case of Parkhurst, a Johannesburg surburb. The study found that Parkhurst displays numerous characteristics of gentrification. The housing stock has undergone extensive physical improvement, with almost one third renovated or under renovation. Property values have increased and the original residents have been displaced. Parkhurst has a demographic and a socio-economic profile typical of a gentrified suburb. It is populated by young, white, educated, weathy professionals people. In addition, gentrification has resulted in the conversion of residential into commercial space, with some residences converted into business premises. The result is a distinct linear commerical zone within the neigbourhood. Gentrification is also associated with a change in housing tenure from rentals to ownership, it was found that ownership was a common feature of Parkhurst. Overall, it was concluded that gentrification of the suburb has occurred over an extensive period of time and is now in a super-gentrification stage.
Ključne besede
gentrification, Parkhurst, Johannesburg, South Africa, urban renewal