Piotr LITYŃSKI : The correlation between urban sprawl and the local economy in Poland
Tamás EGEDY, Annamária UZZOLI: Cities as the keys to survival? : The impact of the economic crisis on health inequalities in Hungary in terms of unemployment and life expectancy
Richard SENDI: Is the private rented sector desirable in Slovenia? : Examining the role of the state in the development of the sector
Christian M. ROGERSON, Jayne M. ROGERSON: Intra-urban spatial differentiation of tourism: Evidence from Johannesburg, South Africa
Maléne CAMPBELL: A great place and not yet another declining small town: The case of Clarens, South Africa
Karen HINOJOSA, Carlos ESTUARDO APARICIO MORENO: The missing public domain in public spaces: A gendered historical perspective on a Latin American case
Marina DE LA TORRE, David NAVARRETE: Inequality in heritage centres: Analysing the reality in Mexican cities
Urbanistični inštitut RS Urbani izziv - Editorial Board Trnovski pristan 2, 1000 Ljubljana, SLO + 386 (0)1 420 13 10 urbani.izziv@uirs.si
Print edition: 0353-6483 Web edition: 1855-8399 Professional edition: 2232-481X
SNIP (2020): 0.79 CiteScoreTracker (2022): 1.8